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February 14, 2011


Today is the day, my friends. Today is the day we’ve all been waiting for. The day we all fought for. The day we hoped for and feared would never come. Today, we can declare peace. Once, and for all time, our two great nations will be at peace. We rejoice and celebrate this unprecedented shift on world politics: where once were two bitter enemies, now only friends and allies remain.

But let us not forget those who bled for our lives, nor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Let us not forget the countless orphans and widows, who will now have to make due without their beloved kin. Let us take to heart the lessons that the violence between us has taught us. Both our nations have suffered, and both of us hang our heads in pain. We hang our heads in shame. We, the leaders of our two proud nations, beg for your forgiveness. It was our zeal that brought us to thus far; our passion to do right for our own people, rather than for all that blinded us to the truth.

We beg you not to forgive us. We beg to forgive each other. Do not blindly hate the soldier that we send to kill, do not blindly revenge him that we have send to die. They were merely serving their country, who’s leadership had erred and stands before you today in shame. We have failed you when we brought this war upon us. However, we stand before you today as friends and allies. We pledge to you, never to let the same atrocity befall our two nations. Do not blindly cast us down, before we’ve had the chance to make things right. You, who has lost a son, who has lost a husband or a father. We bow before you, and offer our own strength in return. We shall rebuild both our nations. We shall repay our debts to society. We shall honour you most highly.

From → Proze

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